Constitution Document

Document can be viewed here as a printable pdf file

October 2022

Constitution Document

The Group’s Name

The group shall be called ‘Harleston Choral Society’ of Harleston Norfolk.

The Aims of the Society are:

To promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of choral music in all its aspects by the presentation of public choral concerts; and for the general purposes of such charitable bodies, or such other purposes as shall be exclusively charitable, as the Committee may from time to time decide.


Membership is open to all.  Registration at the start of term, with attendance recorded weekly.  Members to pay, at start of term, the agreed amount, with some concessions to be available as required.  The charges will be agreed by a quorum representative of the Society.

General Business

The affairs of the group are controlled by Committee consisting of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, with a maximum of twelve members at any one time.  The Music Director will be an ex-officio member and will be responsible for selecting the music to be performed, in agreement with the Committee.  The Committee will be elected at the AGM from and by the members of the group, on a democratic basis, for three years in the first instance, but with the opportunity to continue for a further three years.  The Committee will meet no less than four times per year.

There shall be a quorum at Committee meetings of one third of the Committee membership.

Payment or benefit

The Music Director and Accompanist shall be paid an honorarium every term.

The income and property of the Society whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the Society as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member or members of the Society except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.

The Society shall receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees.  Tickets for any or all of its concerts and other events shall be offered for sale to the public.


The Committee will undertake:

  • To control the affairs of the Choir
  • To keep accurate accounts of the Society by the Treasurer, which should be available for inspection by any member, and inspected by an independent examiner before the AGM
  • To maintain a bank account in the Society’s name, requiring two signatures from Chair, Treasurer and two other Committee members
  • To make decisions on the basis of a single majority vote; in the event of a tied result the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote.

General Meetings

The AGM will take place in the autumn term each year.  An agenda of the business of the AGM will be circulated to all members 14 days before a meeting.

Alterations to the Constitution

Any alteration to the Constitution will need to be agreed at the AGM and notice of 14 days must be given.

Possible dissolution of the Society

In the event of the necessity for the dissolution of the Society or the inability of an available Committee to function effectively, the leadership of the Society shall be assumed by the trustees, Julia Awty, Caroline Rodbourne and Jo Curry, with full powers to mediate as necessary.  Any assets remaining upon dissolution, after the payment of proper debts and liabilities, shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions having similar objectives to those of the Society.

Amended by AGM October 2022