REPORT of the Committee Meeting held on 19 June 2019 at 2.30 pm at Grange Barn, St James South Elmham


                   REPORT of the Committee Meeting held on 19 June 2019

at 2.30 pm at Grange Barn, St James South Elmham

Present:  John Awty, Julia Awty, Stella Brownsea, Malcolm Butcher, Jo Curry, Carol Hammond, Jenny Hyams, John Layton, Kate Peacher, Caroline Rodbourne

1. Apologies for Absence – received from Joanna Barfield and Janette Ruocco

2. Minutes of the last meeting (Thursday 23 May 2019)

Confirmed and signed as a correct record, subject to amending 10 June to 3 June in [3], [5] and [9]; and adding Stella Brownsea’s offer to run a Quiz for the Summer Party [5].

3. Matters arising

(i) Acapella Concert:  Janette has confirmed a possible date of 6 October, or to postpone the concert until the Spring.  This will be discussed at the September Committee meeting.

(ii) Voice part leaders:  there has been no progress on this, despite Jo’s appeal in person to choir members on 3 June, and on the website.

(iii) May Bank Holiday practices:  the proposal to abandon these and to hold an all-day workshop instead on 23 May 2020 was discussed.  However, when the workshop was first mooted, we were not aware that the early May Bank Holiday will be Friday 8 May (ie not 4 May, as previously assumed).   A provisional booking will be made anyway for the Village Hall, St James South Elmham on 23 May 2020, and the workshop will be discussed further at the September Committee Meeting.

(iv) ‘Come and Sing with Us’:  the open practice was confirmed for Monday 16 September.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Malcolm distributed copies of the Income & Expenditure for the year ended 31 August 2019, and the Cash Budget (previously called the Cash Forecast) 1 September 2018 – 31 August 2020 (copies will be filed with the Minutes).  He said that there has not been a lot of change since the last meeting.  All subs for this term are now in, Gift Aid in the sum of £350.00 is expected shortly, and the overall picture compares favourably with last year’s.  Malcolm anticipated that we shall break even this year, although next year could be more difficult, but if we are successful in our bid to GWF for a grant of £5,000, that will help enormously.

5. Summer Concert, 22 June 2019

The Committee went through the checklist and confirmed that everything is in order and ready to go.

6. Future Concerts

(i) Christmas Concert, 14 December 2019, ‘The First Nowell’:  Julia and John will be going to pick up the music from Somerset Music early in September.

(ii) Summer Concert, 20 June 2020, ‘Songs and Cries’:  no update, but everything is progressing as planned.

(iii) 2020 – 2021 concerts:  Jo distributed Janette’s proposals for these concerts (a copy will be filed with the Minutes), and the Committee expressed its appreciation.

7. Website

The website is up to date.  Jo read out an email from Joanna, thanking Jenny for enabling the setting up of the website and for maintaining it so effectively over many years.  

8. Dates of next meetings

(i) AGM:  Monday 23 September, during choir practice:  Nathaniel will be coming

(ii) next Committee Meeting: TBC

9. AOB

Singing at other events and venues:  HCS has been asked if we would participate in St John’s pre-Christmas event on Tuesday 10 December, 6.00 – 7.30 pm.  HCS’s participation in this, and in other ‘external’ events (eg care homes) will be discussed at the September Committee meeting.

10. Summer Garden Party, Saturday 13 July, at John and Julia’s

The arrangements for the Party were discussed and confirmed.