Harleston Choral Society, Report on Minutes of Committee Meeting
Thursday, 6th February, 2020
The Committee discussed the success of the Christmas Concert 2019, where more tickets were sold than ever before; the feedback from audience members was more than enthusiastic; and Janette’s praise and appreciation of our singing was very positive indeed. In addition to this we raised £115 funds from the raffle thanks to Fiona Bartlett’s organization.
The ‘Sing With Us’ rehearsal in January had attracted seven new participants with six people remaining to stay to sing with us – for those newbies we are pleased and grateful that you felt welcomed and confident to come back and we are pleased you are now singing with Harleston Choral Society.
Whilst it is very pleasing to note that we have some new members, we would like more, particularly bass voices and tenors. Janette is chasing up possible singers to join us. Do you have any partners or friends you could persuade?
Our annual Quiz Social Evening will be on Saturday, 21st March this year – it is a fun night with teams of six pitting their wits against each other on a variety of question topics. Food is provided in the cost of the ticket – baked potatoes with a variety of fillings and a selection of stunningly tempting desserts! Ask Caroline Rodbourne (Altos) if you need to know more.
We discussed the a cappella concert featuring Janette’s group of singers, 8 Voices, to raise funds for the choir. This will be at St Mary’s Church, Redenhall on Sunday, 10th May, 2020 at 4pm – tickets £10. We hope as many of our choir members, their partners and friends will be able to fill the church. “Soul Music” will be a treat for the ears and spirit so please do come.
It is H.C.S.’s 20th Anniversary this year so we hope to make a display of some of our archive photos, posters, programmes, reviews and concert lists at our Summer Concert at the back of St John’s Church.
We would like to thank Malcolm Butcher for following up the submission to Festival Voices, in a bid to secure some of their funding, as they seek to disband and re-distribute their funds to worthy recipients. The Committee is investigating how to make submissions to Music for All for funding future projects and expenses.
HCS has now taken over total management of our website and, whilst there were some glitches during the handover, we hope these have now been ironed out. We will continue to develop it and would be grateful for your feedback. (see note in bold at the end)
Fiona Bartlett is now administering H.C.S. Friends. Thanks to Carol Hammond for her past commitment to this role.
Future Dates for Your Diary:
- Quiz Evening 2020 – Saturday, 21st March at St James Village Hall
- End of Spring Term 2020 – Monday, 30th March
- Start of Summer Term 2020 – Monday, 20th April – (begin at 7pm for payment of subscriptions please)
- Fundraising concert with 8 Voices – Sunday 10 May, Redenhall Church
- Summer concert Rehearsal – Friday, 26th June at 7pm
- Summer Concert and end of term 2020 – Saturday, 27th June
Next Committee Meeting is:
Thursday, 14th May, 2020. If you have any suggestions or concerns you would like raised and discussed please speak to a committee member. We are also intending to have a ‘suggestions box’ at the back of the church, near our registration sheets for this purpose.
Sue Foster (Feb 2020)