Dear members of Harleston Choral Society,
It has been such a long time since we met that I suppose, like me, you all feel HCS has gone into liquidation and the wonderful concerts and enjoyable rehearsals are just a dream. Far from it!
Your committee and Janette are doing all they can to keep things ticking over so that, when we can start again, we are more than ready. We have met twice since lockdown, once on Zoom in May and last Tuesday we met in glorious sunshine in Malcolm and Heather’s garden – socially distancing of course. I will endeavour to tell you in a nutshell of the progress.
Money At our first meeting we agreed we should pay Janette and Karen until the end of the term and then at our last meeting we agreed to go even further and “retain” them until December. They are both very grateful for our help and support.
Hall availability Both London Road and St. John’s Churches are currently unavailable for rehearsals as no singing is allowed. There are due to be meetings in the next few weeks and we are investigating other possibilities.
Current guidance Wherever we sing there are potential risks, hazards and regulations, one of which is singing in a mask. Janette has provided the Committee with a precis of these regs. and suggests we practise at home initially in a mask every day to acclimatise. It was proposed at the meeting we just think about practising together when we start for perhaps an hour, not have a concert in mind (at least to start with) just to get back to enjoying singing together.
Music Hold on to your music for now until there are more definite plans.
Contact details Obviously these will be very important in the future so if any of yours have changed please let Joanna (Membership secretary) know asap.
Secretary We really do need a Secretary so if any member would like to know more please contact us.
AGM We have investigated the legalities of postponing it and, as long as a Treasurer’s report and an Annual report are produced we are fine. Also, all of the committee are prepared to carry on serving so we are very fortunate.
We will meet again, (I’m trying not to sound like Vera Lynn!) When we have any more information we’ll let you know. At some point we will be asking you all your views and feelings on returning to rehearsals. but not until the news is more definite.
Meanwhile, stay safe and well.